Association Humanitaire créée pour aider les Enfants Sioux Laḱota de la Réserve de Pine Ridge, Dakota du Sud - USA.
Décembre -Waƞicokaƞ Wi- 2021 :
Vendredi 24 Décembre :
Nous finissons l'année 2021 avec notre fidélité au "Programme Parrainage", nous envoyons à notre Partenaire One Spirit la somme de $ 455 destinée à nos 7 Familles sponsorisées pour bénéficier du "Panier Alimentaire" d'une valeur de $ 65.
Pour rappel, les Familles parrainées résident à Allen - Oglala - Pine Ridge - Porcupine.
Nous envoyons dans le même temps à One Spirit la somme de $ 1.300 dans le cadre de leur "Programme Alimentaire", afin d'aider 20 Familles supplémentaires à bénéficier d'un "Panier Alimentaire" d'une valeur de $ 65.
Nous terminons enfin l'année avec notre soutien à l'Association "The Bear Project", dans le cadre de leur Programme "Bear Job Readiness Program", toujours en vigueur, en envoyant la somme de $ 600 pour les aider dans leur gestion à l'embauche. 10 jeunes supplémentaires, revenus d'internats, ont été recrutés pour travailler pendant leurs vacances de Noël.
Dans les nouvelles de Tiny DeCory, nous apprenons malheureusement le suicide d'un autre jeune homme de 22 ans. "C'est très triste. Apparemment, il a senti que ce monde n'était pas fait pour lui". T DC.
Les Remerciements de One Spirit :
De: Lori Jackson <> Date: lun. 27 déc. 2021 à 00:02 Subject: Re: DECEMBER FOOD 2021
To: Piƞe Ridge Eƞfaƞce Solidarité <>
Dear Phil and supporters at Pine Ridge Enfance Solidarite,
Thank you for your generous donation of $1,755.00 and for all of your dedication and support throughout this year. We at One Spirit are immensely grateful for everything all of you do for the Oglala Lakota people on the Pine Ridge Reservation. We will direct your gifts to your seven sponsored families and use the remainder where it is most needed, at present for food and wood for the winter.
Happy New Year to all!
Lori MaRose Jackson - Donor Services for ONE Spirit
Les Remerciements de The Bear Project :
De: Tiny DeCory —Via Facebook— Date : Jeu. 24 Déc 2021 à 15:21
Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year for all. Blessing to all.
Mercredi 17 Novembre :
Les Remerciements de One Spirit :
De: Lori Jackson <> Date: sam. 20 nov. 2021 à 20:49 Subject: Re: November Food 2021 and Thanksgiving
To: Piƞe Ridge Eƞfaƞce Solidarité <>
Dear Phil and Friends of Pine Ridge Enfance Solidarite,
Thank you for your generous donation of $1,105.00 and for supporting the needs of Oglala Lakota families on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Your gift helps One Spirit continue our efforts of "helping the Lakota help themselves". I have made your gift to the Iron Boy family available for use, and directed our delivery team to make sure Larissa receives a turkey.
We are focusing our efforts currently on food supplies now that the Government subsidies for the pandemic have ended. Food has once again become hard to find and even harder to afford. We are now funding our turkey campaign and the response is robust! Thank you for supporting our drive with your gift this month!
None of this would be possible without YOU and our wonderful community of donors. WOPILA!
Lori MaRose Jackson - Donor Services for ONE Spirit
Lundi 08 Novembre :
Les Remerciements de The Bear Project :
De: Tiny DeCory —Via Facebook— Date : Lun. 08 Nov 2021 à 15:18
Wopila tanka.
Samedi 30 Octobre :
Partenariat mensuel au "Programme Parrainage", nous envoyons à notre Partenaire One Spirit la somme de $ 455 destinée à nos 7 Familles sponsorisées pour bénéficier du "Panier Alimentaire" d'une valeur de $ 65.Les Remerciements de One Spirit :
De: Lori Jackson <> Date: dim. 31 oct. 2021 à 20:48 Subject: Thank you, Friends!Remerciements de The Bear Project :
De: Tiny DeCory —Via Facebook— Sam 30 Oct. 2021 à 17:59Les Remerciements de One Spirit :
De: Lori Jackson <> Date: mar. 5 oct. 2021 à 21:18 Subject: Re: SEPTEMBER FOOD 2021
To: Piƞe Ridge Eƞfaƞce Solidarité <>
Dear Philippe and Friends of Pine Ridge Enfance Solidarite,
Thank you for your donation of $455.00 and for supporting the needs of Oglala Lakota families on the Pine Ridge Reservation. As we enter the fall, One Spirit continues with our effort of "helping the Lakota help themselves". Your generous gift will provide food boxes for SEVEN FOOD BOXES to sponsored families. A $65.00 food voucher is available for the Iron Boy family, and on their behalf, we thank you.
Phil--Thank you for your glowing recommendation of One Spirit; it is ever so appreciated!
Our focus now and going forward is on employment--from within the Reservation. We now employ Lakota people to man our expanded service food distribution. Our youth center in Allen will be a safe place where children can study during their hybrid learning. We are expanding the Charging Buffalo Meat House by providing housing for employees thereby eliminating travel and gas expenses for our workers. We are already funding our wood program for this winter. And we look ahead to providing an agriculture campus using our land in Kyle to promote healthier eating.
None of this would be possible without YOU and our wonderful community of donors. WOPILA!
Lori MaRose Jackson - Donor Services for ONE Spirit
Les Remerciements de One Spirit :
De: Lori Jackson <> Date: mer. 1 sept. 2021 à 18:18 Subject: Re: AUGUST FOOD 2021
To: Piƞe Ridge Eƞfaƞce Solidarité <>
Dear Philippe and Friends at Pine Ridge Enfance Solidarite,
Thank you for your donation of $1,105.00 and for supporting the needs of Oglala Lakota families on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Your gift allows us to fund our FOOD Programs while starting new initiatives. We are currently concentrating on reopening the "Allen Youth Center" with enhanced safety measures and products. We want to provide a place for the kids to study during this Falls hybrid school schedules.
Our Employment Program in the resort area of Grand Marais, Minnesota is in full swing. We have received glowing reports from the area employers! Check us out at "One Spirit Employment Program".
One Spirit has also been able to send two groups of youth from the Reservation to the "Sioux YMCA Camp Marribone" at no expense to the families, thanks to YOU. The kids, pictured above, were so thrilled that some of them went twice!
Summer is not an idle time for One Spirit. We will be welcoming a large volunteer team to our "Charging Buffalo Meathouse" processing facility this month. They will be building a living space for our Lakota employees, thus cutting down travel time to and from work. We are thrilled to be able to supply the workers with this facility.
None of this would be possible without YOU and our wonderful community of donors. WOPILA!
Lori MaRose Jackson - Donor Services for ONE Spirit
Les Remerciements de One Spirit :
De: Lori Jackson <> Date: mar. 3 août 2021 à 21:28 Subject: Re: JULY FOOD 2021
To: Piƞe Ridge Eƞfaƞce Solidarité <>
Dear Phil,
Thank you for your donation of $1,105.00 and for supporting the needs of Oglala Lakota families on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Your gift will be used to provide food boxes for your donated families and more, 17 in all.
Our employment program in the resort area of Grand Marais, Minnesota is in full swing. We have received glowing reports from the area employers! Check us out at "One Spirit Employment Program". This is an opportunity for young adults to have summer employment. We also sent two youth groups from the Reservation to the "Sioux YMCA Camp Marribone" at no expense to the families thanks to YOU. The kids were so happy they didn't want their stay to end!
None of this would be possible without YOU and our wonderful community of donors. WOPILA!!
Lori MaRose Jackson - Donor Services for ONE Spirit
Partenariat mensuel au "Programme Parrainage", nous envoyons à One Spirit la somme de $ 455 destinée à nos 7 Familles sponsorisées pour bénéficier du "Panier Alimentaire" d'une valeur de $ 65.
Les Remerciements de One Spirit :
De: Lori Jackson <> Date: mer. 30 Juin 2021 à 17:26 Subject: Re: JUNE FOOD 2021
To: Piƞe Ridge Eƞfaƞce Solidarité <>
Dear Philippe and Friends of Pine Ridge Enfance Solidarite,
Thank you for your generous donation of $1,105.00 and for supporting the needs of Oglala Lakota families on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Your gift will provide food baskets for your seven sponsored families as well as TEN additional offerings for needy families.
We are happy to report positive news from the Reservation. The vaccination initiative on Pine Ridge happened early and on a large scale. Due to the low number of cases there, the Tribe has opened up the Reservation. We will now be able to work harder than ever!
We are starting an employment program in the resort area of Grand Marais, Minnesota. Check us out at "One Spirit Employment Program". This will be an opportunity for young adults to have summer employment. We will also be sending two youth groups to the "Sioux YMCA Camp Marribone" this summer. Stay tuned for more details to come.
None of this would be possible without YOU and our wonderful community of donors. WOPILA!!
Lori MaRose Jackson - Donor Services for ONE Spirit
Remerciements de The Bear Project :
De: Tiny DeCory —Via Facebook— Mar. 06 Jul 2021 à 01:14
Mai -Caƞwapeƞaƞbleca Wi- 2021 :
Dimanche 30 Mai :
Partenariat mensuel au "Programme Parrainage", nous envoyons à One Spirit la somme de $ 455 destinée à nos 7 Familles sponsorisées pour bénéficier d'un "Panier Alimentaire" d'une valeur de $ 65.
Un mois de Mai dédié à la reprise de la "CRAZY HORSE RIDE 2021" - 23e ÉDITION, nous sommes heureux que cette Ride puisse avoir lieu à nouveau avec cette Tradition importante pour la Jeunesse Laḱota en l'honneur du Grand Chef CRAZY HORSE "Tašúnke Witkó". En ces temps difficile, nous apportons notre soutien à ce "Programme Culturel" et envoyons la somme de $ 500 pour aider à l'Organisation.
Les Remerciements de One Spirit :
De: Lori Jackson <> Date: mar. 01 Juin 2021 à 20:03 Subject: Re: MAY Food + CHR
To: Piƞe Ridge Eƞfaƞce Solidarité <>
Dear Phil and Friends at Pine Ridge Enfance Solidarite,
Thank you for your donation of $955.00 and for supporting the needs of Oglala Lakota families on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Your gift will be used as instructed for your sponsored families food boxes and the Crazy Horse Ride. As you can imagine, Bamm is very excited for this years ride!
We are happy to report positive news from the Reservation. The vaccination initiative on Pine Ridge happened early and on a large scale. Due to the low number of cases there, the Tribe has opened up the Reservation. We will now be able to work harder than ever!
We are starting an employment program in the resort area of Grand Marais, Minnesota. Check us out at "One Spirit Employment Program". This will be an opportunity for young adults to have summer employment. We will also be sending two youth groups to the "Sioux YMCA Camp Marribone" this summer. Stay tuned for more details to come.
None of this would be possible without YOU and our wonderful community of donors. WOPILA!!
Lori MaRose Jackson - Donor Services for ONE Spirit
⇒ À LIRE notre Nouvelle Rubrique de Soutien —NEWS DE LA REZ — THE BEAR PROJECT — • MAI 2021 • Témoignage de Tiny DeCory !—
Message et Remerciements de The Bear Project :
De: Tiny DeCory —Via Facebook— Mer. 19 Mai 2021 à 01:59
I write this with a heavy cante. We lost 3 to suicide in one week. They are older and left children behind for the family to care for. All died by hanging.
"Beaucoup de tristesse en vous lisant. Il y a encore de l'espoir chez votre Peuple pour ne jamais baisser les bras, mais ce chemin de souffrance est terrible."
Philippe Creveau
De: Tiny DeCory —Via Facebook— Sam. 29 Mai 2021 à 20:51
Wopila Tanka to our friends.
Avril -Wihakaktacepapi Wi- 2021 :
Mercredi 28 Avril :
Partenariat mensuel au "Programme Parrainage", nous envoyons à One Spirit la somme de $ 455 destinée à nos 7 Familles sponsorisées pour bénéficier d'un "Panier Alimentaire" d'une valeur de $ 65.
Nous participons à hauteur de $ 500 pour offrir à nouveau 25 "Bons d'achats One Spirit" d'une valeur de $ 20 chacun pour répondre aux besoins des Familles en demande.
Pour Rappel, ces "Bons d'achats" sont destinés uniquement aux Produits Ménagers, et ne peuvent pas servir à l'achat de nourriture.
Les Remerciements de One Spirit :
De: Lori Jackson <> Date: jeu. 29 avr. 2021 à 17:58 Subject: Re: APRIL Food + Vouchers
To: Piƞe Ridge Eƞfaƞce Solidarité <>
Dear Philippe and Friends at Pine Ridge Enfance Solidarité,
Thank you for your donation of $955.00 and for supporting the needs of Oglala Lakota families on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Your gift is especially appreciated during this extraordinary time. Your gift will provide SEVEN food boxes for your families. I will contact Twila Iron Boy regarding her grandson Ryan. $500 will be used for household provision delivery.
We are happy to report positive news from the Reservation. The people have been lining up in large numbers and those ages 16 and up are receiving the COVID vaccine. The people are working hard to encourage others to join the effort and are being successful. The Tribe has handled the virus crisis in an impressive way-border patrols, curfews, masks and social distancing and quarantining were all in place throughout.
We also want to share with you news regarding our Charging Buffalo Meat House, our initiative to bring buffalo back to the people of Pine Ridge. Plans are underway to expand the Meat House as it has proved to be profitable and ready to expand and give employment to more Lakota people!
None of this would be possible without YOU and our wonderful community of donors. WOPILA!!
Lori MaRose Jackson - Donor Services for ONE Spirit
Mars -Iśtawicayazaƞ Wi- 2021 :
Les Remerciements de The Bear Project :
De: Tiny DeCory —Via Facebook— Date : Mer. 31 Mars. 2021
Thank you and yes we can send testimonials.
Les Remerciements de One Spirit :
De: Lori Jackson <> Date: mer. 31 mars 2021 à 16:57 Subject: Thank you, Friends
To: Piƞe Ridge Eƞfaƞce Solidarité <>
Dear Phil and Friends of Pine Ridge Enfance Solidarite,
Thank you for your generous donation of $1455.00 for food and vouchers in March 2021. About our food and sponsorship program, One Spirit has gone through major changes this past year about how our programs can operate in the face of COVID. We thank you for your valuable contribution, as always, to the people of Pine Ridge!
Lori MaRose Jackson - Donor Services for ONE Spirit
⇒ — IMPORTANT — Veuillez lire SVP le dernier Communiqué transmis par One Spirit dans notre : —BULLETIN P.R.E.S. D'AVRIL !—
Les Remerciements de The Bear Project :
De: Tiny DeCory —Via Facebook— Date : Sam. 27 Fév. 2021 à 09:11
Wopila Tanka. It will be put to good use.
Les Remerciements de One Spirit :
De: Lori Jackson <> Date: Vend. 26 Février 2021 à 22:24 Subject: Thank you, Friends
To: Piƞe Ridge Eƞfaƞce Solidarité <>
Dear Phil and Friends of Pine Ridge Enfance Solidarite,
Thank you for your donation of $1,455.00 and for supporting the needs of Oglala Lakota families on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Your gift is especially appreciated during this extraordinary time. Your gift will be distributed as per your instructions.
None of this would be possible without YOU and our wonderful community of donors. WOPILA!!
Lori MaRose Jackson - Donor Services for ONE Spirit
Janvier -Wioteḣika Wi- 2021 :
Jeudi 28 Janvier :
En ce début d'année 2021 et depuis maintenant plus d'un an, nous soutenons le difficile Programme "Prévention Suicide des Jeunes" de l'Association "The Bear Project" mené par Eileen Janis & Yvonne DeCory. Grâce à la belle mobilisation nous pouvons leur envoyer, le montant de $ 1.000 via Paypal, pour aider les Jeunes dont elles s'occupent.
Malheureusement chaque mois apporte son douloureux constat avec les mots déchirants de Tiny : "Nous avons perdu deux belles Âmes dans le Monde des Esprits, des jeunes femmes de 17 et 19 ans."
⇒ Nous pouvons continuer à apporter notre contribution sur la Campagne —SOUTIEN AUX JEUNES LAḰOTA DE LA RÉSERVE DE PINE RIDGE—.
Les Remerciements de The Bear Project :
De: Tiny DeCory —Via Facebook— Date : Jeu. 28 Jan 2021 à 17:54
Wopila Tanka, we lost two beautiful souls to the spirit world both female ages 17 n 19.
Pour rappel, les Familles parrainées résident à Allen - Oglala - Pine Ridge - Porcupine.
Dans le même temps, nous envoyons également à One Spirit la somme de $ 1.000 dans le cadre de notre soutien au "Programme Bois, une Question de Survie", pour aider les Familles dans le besoin urgent en cette période hivernale où les températures sont actuellement en dessous de 0° C.
Les Remerciements de Jeri Baker, Directrice One Spirit :
De: Jeri Baker <> Date: mer. 27 janv. 2021 à 14:41 Subject: Re: January 2021
To: Piƞe Ridge Eƞfaƞce Solidarité <>
Good morning Phil
I want to tell you how much you and PRES are appreciated. You have made such a difference for so many on the Reservation. Without you the programs you support would be very meager - not having the great impact they currently do. During 2021, our goals will be to build another Youth Center, expand the buffalo house, create a well functioning wood program that can meet the needs on the Rez, and move the food program toward sustainability. I sincerely hope that you Phil, and other members of your group, will be able to visit the Reservation - of course, after the Pandemic has been controlled.
With much love and gratitude,
Jeri Baker, Director - One Spirit
⇒ Retrouvez la traduction dans notre : —BULLETIN P.R.E.S. DE JANVIER -Wioteḣika Wi, Lune dure- 2021—
Les Remerciements de One Spirit :
De: Lori Jackson <> Date: lundi 1 février 2021 16:58 Subject: Thank you, Friends!
To: Piƞe Ridge Eƞfaƞce Solidarité <>
Dear Friends at Pine Ridge Enfance Solidarite,
Thank you for your donation of $1,455.00 and for supporting the needs of Oglala Lakota families on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Your gift is especially appreciated during this extraordinary time and will be used as directed for our wood and food programs.
Beginning with a new year, we are happy to report positive news from the Reservation. The elders have been lining up in large numbers and are receiving the first dose of the COVID vaccine. The people are working hard to encourage others to join the effort and are being successful.
Despite the current crisis, One Spirit continues to forge ahead with new initiatives while strengthening and expanding our current programs. We now move more food than we ever thought possible, expanding our reach to neighboring soup kitchens and shelters in Pine Ridge and the Rosebud Reservation, along with the Bear Cave Youth Suicide Center. The Charging Buffalo Meat House has entered its final phase for full FDA licensing. Our Allen Youth Center and Allen community are so looking forward to the completion of their new laundry facility that our donors have made possible. We are also excited to begin work at the newly acquired Kyle Agricultural Education Center.
None of this would be possible without YOU and our wonderful community of donors. WOPILA!!
Lori MaRose Jackson - Donor Services for ONE Spirit